Present: Kristi Hale (Chair), Roger Crum, Judy Cook, Leigh Ann Fulford, Kate Furmanski, Joshua Green, Madeline Iseli, Healy Jackson, Norb Klopsch, Kyle Ramey, Dan Turben
Absent: Sam Dorf, Jeremy Newport
Meeting was called to order at 3:01 PM.
Meeting minutes approved without addendum:
August 31
New Business
Proposed changes to the bylaws
Changes would clarify the relationships between city employees and the OIC.
Leadership Team discussed the OIC’s role as a citizen-led grassroots organization.
A motion was brought to adopt the proposed changes to the bylaws.
The motion carried unopposed.
Succession planning
Leadership Team discussed desired characteristics of new members.
Green volunteered to create a voting mechanism.
Hale suggested forming a nominating committee of three Leadership Team members to analyze Green’s data. Volunteers for the nominating committee were identified.
Jackson suggested giving members the opportunity to advocate for their nominees; this will be offered after the data gathering phase is complete.
Another succession planning meeting in one to two weeks was proposed.
Hale recommended keeping online meeting minutes up to date and establishing a regular meeting time and place.
A poll will be sent to the Leadership Team to identify the most convenient monthly meeting schedule.
Several possible locations for in-person meetings were suggested.
Committee Reports
Programs and Events (Fulford):
The OIC will have a banner made to be carried in the MLK Day march.
The possibility of a second event, possibly an interfaith event, in the same week was proposed.
Hale suggested tying this second event to the OIC general meeting in January, one year after the first general membership meeting.
Klopsch suggested that the OIC attend any City of Dayton events planned for MLK Day.
Klopsch will contact the city manager of Dayton to find out what they are planning.
Cook noted that the OIC will need to secure an indoor space for any large gathering soon.
The Big Read: the next book is The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt.
Fulford will finalize the date and get the book discussion meeting information to the Communications Committee.
The Communications Committee will generate and distribute a press release regarding the Big Read and publicize it online. The deadline for this press release to go out is 10/1/21.
Communications (Jackson):
Internal feedback regarding the new copy written for the website was summarized.
The new look of the OIC website was introduced.
Several needs for the website were noted:
Membership signup must be implemented.
Clipart and photography must be updated.
Furmanski noted that a means of securing permission to post photos of people who attend our events must be established before we have in-person events.
The work of the UD graphic design students must be acknowledged on the website.
Current Issues (Iseli):
Iseli described progress toward selecting a research group to gather real-world data on community needs and perspectives.
Treasurer (Hale on behalf of Newport):
A P.O. box has been set up for the OIC.
A new statutory agent has been retained.
The OIC needs to establish a budget for next year.
Leadership Reports:
Chair (Hale)/Vice Chair (Cook):
Hale and Cook reported on a meeting of the Kettering Board of Community Relations.
At Large Member (Turben):
Turben reported that several grant applications are now under review.
City Liaison (Klopsch):
Klopsch shared stories about recent conversations with a faith leader and a local family.
School Liaison (Ramey):
Ramey mentioned various community feedback on curricular content.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:46 pm.
Submitted by Kate Furmanski