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Establishing Document

Oakwood Inclusion Coalition (OIC)

This document establishes the Oakwood Inclusion Coalition (OIC), setting forth the mission and purpose of the OIC, and the manner in which it shall function.
The name of this organization shall be the Oakwood Inclusion Coalition, regularly abbreviated as the OIC.
The mission of the OIC is to study, promote, and celebrate an inclusive, equitable, diverse, and welcoming environment and community for everyone who lives, works, visits, or passes through Oakwood.
The purpose of the OIC is to foster an inclusive community through education, development of programs and projects, communication initiatives, and regular attention to matters of intra- and intercommunity relations.  Citizen-driven, the OIC is specifically constituted as an organization of private citizens and residents of Oakwood and interested parties who are not residents of Oakwood, faith, ethnic and cultural leaders, and individuals from the business and media communities in the Oakwood area and beyond. Volunteer officers manage the organization and receive no compensation.
Note:  The organization derives counsel and guidance through liaisons from the City of Oakwood, Oakwood City Schools, and the Wright Memorial Public Library.  It also benefits from the participation of liaisons from other organizations as identified in Section V. COALITION MEMBERSHIP.  Further, while the OIC will deliver a report annually to the Oakwood City Council, the Oakwood School Board, and the Board of the Wright Memorial Public Library, no part of the OIC’s activities or reporting shall involve the express purpose of influencing, modifying, or suspending City, Schools, or Library legislation or policies.  The organization shall not participate in, or otherwise intervene in, any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office or in support of any issue put to vote before the public.
The OIC is organized for educational and community building purposes, and to examine matters of and opportunities to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion.  It is established as a 501(c)(3) organization under the Federal Internal Revenue Code.  The organization may engage in fundraising efforts to support programming.  To this end, a Treasurer will be appointed to oversee all financial activity.  No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, officers, or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the purpose clause hereof.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, the OIC shall not carry on other activities not permitted by (1) an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (2) an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
In the event of dissolution of the OIC, its assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.  Any such assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal office of the organization is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine that are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
Membership and voting privileges are open to all persons, whether or not they reside or work in Oakwood.
The Membership Committee shall work to identify and retain OIC liaisons from the following groups:
   a.  City of Oakwood (City Manager or designee, Public Safety Director or designee, and one elected official).
   b.  Oakwood City Schools (Superintendent or designee, and one elected official).
   c.  Wright Memorial Public Library (Director or designee, and one Board member).
   d.  Oakwood Historical Society.
   e.  Oakwood Sister City Association.
   f.  Religious organizations located in Oakwood.
   g.  MOMs of Oakwood.
   h.  Oakwood Rotary Club.
   i.  At least one representative each from business organizations, and minority-owned businesses in Oakwood.
   j.  At least one representative from the media.
   k.  Members who shall serve to diversify the OIC membership in various capacities, including, but not limited to, religion, race, ethnicity, physical ability, sexual orientation, socio-economic status and age.
   l.  Student representatives appointed by their respective school.
The Membership Committee shall identify additional liaison individuals as it deems important for promoting and enhancing the work of the OIC.
Note:  Individuals engaged by the OIC as liaisons may independent of their role as liaisons hold individual membership in the organization, but in all their dealings within and for the organization they should be transparent on whether they are acting or giving voice to a matter in their official capacity as “liaison” or as a private member.
The Leadership Team of the OIC shall include a Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Committee Chairs, and additional Members-At-Large as recommended by the Leadership Team and confirmed by the OIC members.  There is no term limit for persons serving on the Leadership Team. The Vice Chair shall serve as Chair Elect. The Immediate Past Chair shall serve on the Leadership Team with ex-officio status, without vote.
The Chair shall preside over all meetings of the OIC and the Leadership Team. The Vice Chair shall serve in the absence of the Chair. The Treasurer shall be responsible for managing the finances of the OIC. The Secretary shall keep records of all OIC and Leadership Team meetings.
The Leadership Team shall meet quarterly, or more frequently at the call of the Chair, and shall oversee all activities and the passage of all official actions of the OIC.  No official action shall be put forward for a vote without a quorum of the leadership team, with a quorum defined as two-thirds of the Leadership Team.  Any vote on an official action shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of the entire Leadership Team.  (Example:  If there are 16 members of the Leadership Team, 11 members must be present to take official action, and it would take nine votes to take the action)  The Leadership Team may approve the temporary appointment/replacement of Leadership Team members when needed during the course of the calendar year.  The Leadership Team shall prepare and vote upon, per the requirements above, any proposed annual slate for the Leadership Team, and that slate shall be presented for the approval of the entire membership at the Annual Coalition Meeting.  The appointment of Leadership Team members shall be confirmed at the Annual Coalition Meeting through a simple majority vote of the members present and, if possible, submitted by proxy at the Annual Coalition Meeting.   
The OIC will have the following four standing committees:
a.  Membership Development Committee:  This Committee shall be led by a Committee Chair appointed by the Leadership Team.  Any person who is a member of the OIC is eligible for Committee membership.  The Committee shall be responsible for retaining existing OIC members and for identifying new members. The Committee shall ensure ongoing representation from the collaborative entities listed under Section V. COALITION MEMBERSHIP.  The Committee shall also be responsible for the orientation of new members.
b.  Programs and Events Committee:  This Committee shall be led by a Committee Chair appointed by the Leadership Team.  Any person who is a member of the OIC is eligible for Committee membership.  The Committee shall be responsible for identifying, planning and conducting programs and events that further the mission and purpose of the OIC.
c.  Current Issues Committee:  This Committee shall be led by a Committee Chair appointed by the Leadership Team.  Any person who is a member of the OIC is eligible for Committee membership.  The Committee shall be responsible for identifying and discussing current issues relating to the mission and purpose of the OIC, and to report on these issues at the Coalition meetings.
d.  Communications Committee:  This Committee shall be led by a Committee Chair appointed by the Leadership Team.  Any person who is a member of the OIC is eligible for Committee membership.  The Committee shall be responsible for generating OIC internal and external communications consistent with the OIC Communications Protocol approved by the OIC Leadership Team.
The OIC may form other committees as deemed beneficial in fulfilling the mission and purpose of the organization.  The name, purpose and membership of the OIC’s subsidiary committees shall be developed by the Leadership Team.
The OIC Leadership Team shall establish and approve the protocol for all forms of OIC communications.  This includes internal communications with the OIC membership, and external communications with the media and/or any other outside entity or agency.  The protocol shall establish procedures for the preparation and approval of all types of communications including, but not limited to, standard mailings, emails, website postings, Facebook and other social media messaging, etc.  The protocol shall be attached hereto as Addendum A.
The OIC Leadership Team shall establish and approve the protocol for all matters relating to the receipt and disbursement of OIC funds.  The protocol shall identify those persons with authority to receive and deposit OIC money, and those persons with authority to approve the disbursement of OIC money.  The protocol shall be attached hereto as Addendum B.
Any notices required under these by-laws shall be in writing, but may be sent via mail, email, or any other method reasonably determined to reach the intended recipients.
The OIC shall conduct an Annual Coalition Meeting in January of each calendar year.  Subsequent OIC meetings shall take place in April, July and October of each year, unless cancelled or rescheduled by a vote of the Leadership Team.  Additional Coalition meetings shall take place upon the call of the Leadership Team.  Notice of meetings shall be provided to all OIC members at least two weeks in advance of the meeting date.
During the first quarter of each calendar year, the OIC shall publish an Annual Report.  The report shall include a summary of the organization’s programs and events, and discussions and actions taken by the OIC in the preceding year.  Following the publication of the Annual Report, the OIC Leadership Team shall make a public presentation about the work, programming, events and accomplishments of the OIC to the Oakwood City Council, the Oakwood School Board, and the Board of the Wright Memorial Public Library.
This document may be amended only by a two thirds majority vote of the Leadership Team of the OIC.  That vote may be cast in person or by electronic vote at any OIC or Leadership Team meeting, provided that the proposed amendment(s) shall be set forth in the notice of said meeting.
ADOPTED:  October 5, 2020
REVISED:  July 1, 2021
REVISED:  September 24, 2021
REVISED:  May 3, 2022




(Approved August 2, 2022)
The OIC Communication Committee shall be responsible for promulgating the OIC mission, informing OIC members and the public at large about OIC activities, and promoting education and citizen engagement through its communications.  Additionally, the Committee shall maintain the OIC website, archive minutes of meetings, and publicize those activities not sponsored by the OIC that are consistent with the OIC’s commitment to inform the Oakwood and surrounding communities of events enhancing and celebrating cultural inclusivity and diversity.  Consistent with the OIC’s founding document, any and all activities promoted by the OIC are to be sponsored by non-political organizations.  
All Communication Committee messaging shall reflect the OIC’s mission of attracting people into the Coalition and its work who think independently and constructively with an interest in celebrating and sharing inclusion and diversity.
The OIC Chair, or a representative designated by the Chair, shall act as spokesperson for all OIC activity, acting always in consultation with the Communication Committee. All OIC written communications to outside entities shall be submitted for approval to the Communication Committee. Similarly, all communications posted to social media platforms shall emanate only from communications approved by the Communications Committee and already officially posted on the OIC website. The OIC website serves as a regularly-updated resource to people interested in OIC activities and promotions.
The Communications Committee shall consult with the OIC Chair on OIC communications. The OIC Chair may solicit input and feedback from members of the OIC Leadership Team on particular communications where circumstances are such that extensive input and feedback is desired.
Finally, the Communications Committee shall report regularly to the OIC Leadership Team on its printed, electronic, and social media communications.

(Approved March 22, 2021)
The OIC shall maintain an approved vendor listing.  New vendors shall be approved at OIC Leadership Team meetings.  All expenditures shall be approved in advance by the Leadership Team, ideally at formal meetings.  Expenditures arising between meetings may be approved by the Leadership Team through unanimous vote via email communication; the email approval shall be noted in the meeting minutes at the next formal meeting.
Upon receipt of vender invoices, the Treasurer shall execute a payment to the vendor.  If the Treasurer is unavailable, payment may be issued by the OIC Chairperson.  Payments in excess of $1,000 must have the signatures of the Treasurer and the Chairperson.  If either one is unavailable, the Vice Chairperson may provide the second signature.   
The Treasurer and Chairperson shall have access to the bank account and related statements.  The Secretary and City Liaison shall have deposit privileges and the Treasurer and Chairperson shall be limited to issuing payments.

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