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Minutes: OIC Leadership Team Meeting (July 1, 2021, 3:00 pm)

Present: Kristi Hale (Chair), Sam Dorf, Judy Cook, Healy Jackson, Norbert Klopsch, Jeremy Newport, Madeline Iseli, Kyle Ramey, Roger Crum, Dan Turben

Excused: Joshua Green, Leigh Ann Fulford

Meeting was called to order at 3:00 pm.

Meeting Minutes approved

  • May 18, 2021

  • June 7, 2021

Treasurer’s Report (Newport):

  • Newport is exploring PayPal to allow for online contributions and payments.

    • LCNB has committed to making some charitable donations to the organization.

    • Quarterly written statements from the treasurer will be shared with the Leadership Team, an annual Treasurer’s report will be posted to the website and shared with the community.

    • Treasurer’s Report was unanimously approved.

    • ACTION ITEM: Iseli will explore what Sinclair Community College does and if they use PayPal.

Old Business

  • Community Research Discussion (Iseli)

    • RFP will be sent to the two firms. We are asking for them to send their proposals by the end of July using a rubric Iseli has drafted. Iseli is asking for a small proposal review task force (made up of members of the Leadership Team and Current Issues Committee) to review proposals and provide a recommendation to the Leadership Team.

New Business

  • Fundraising (Turben)

    • Turben reached out to local banks to solicit donations. Two grant applications were sent as well to Oakwood Rotary as well as the Oakwood Schools Foundation. A gift from Dayton Foundation will be forthcoming. Turben is exploring other grant opportunities.

    • ACTION ITEM: Turben will maintain a list of donors and potential donors for the Leadership Team to reach out to and thank. Donors will also be acknowledged in the OIC’s Annual Report.

    • ACTION ITEM: Turben will send draft of thank you letter to Hale for signing and distribution to donors.

  • Changes to Establishing Document (Klopsch)

    • Membership: revisions to the document remove any distinction between affiliate and resident members of the OIC. Instead, membership is open to all.

    • Leadership Team: the revisions do not require a specific number of members at large for the Leadership Team. There are no term limits for any position.

    • Quorum: Definitions and uses of quorum have been clarified.

    • Annual Reporting: will be provided to Oakwood City Schools and Wright Public Library boards.

    • Revisions unanimously approved.

    • ACTION ITEM: Klopsch and Hale will send revised document to be posted to the website.

  • Community Events (Jackson)

    • Scarecrow Row: Jackson suggested we develop an exhibit for “scarecrow row” for the Fall 2021. Leadership Team would need to be involved in development of project. Having the OIC sponsor or lend logo to a scarecrow will be important as well.

    • Discussions of developing a brochure and getting tables for events (i.e. Ice Cream Social). Some ideas for events include: stickers, book lists.

    • ACTION ITEM: Communications Committee will develop a plan for events in place by Ice Cream Social.

    • Leadership Team had a discussion regarding how to support local- and minority-owned businesses.

Committee Reports

  • Programs and Events Committee (Leigh Ann/Kristi/Sam)

    • Next event: Food Truck Rally

      • Tentatively scheduled for August. The program could be in collaboration with Tae Winston who has expressed willingness to help.

      • Venues suggested include Lang Stadium, Shafor Park, Park Dr.

      • ACTION ITEM: Dorf and Fulford will meet with Tae Winston. Dorf will write up a proposal and share it with Leadership Team.

    • Dayton Metro’s “Undesign the Redline” exhibit (8/6 – 9/25)

      • Many opportunities for OIC to participate. Leadership Team can take a docent tour.

      • ACTION ITEM: Hale will send Doodle Poll to find availability.

  • Communications Committee (Josh/Kristi)

    • Website update: there will be a secure portion of the website for Leadership Team.

    • Letterhead will be developed.

  • Current Issues Committee (Madeline): Iseli will ask group who will serve on task force

  • Membership Committee (Healy): developing a summary for liaison members, which can be shared on the webpage as well. The membership form will have a box about liaison status.

Leadership Team Reports

  • Chair/Vice Chair (Kristi/Judy): library developed a conservative views section on reading list.

  • Secretary (Sam): none

  • City Liaison (Norb): none

  • School Liaison (Kyle): none

  • At Large Member (Dan): none

  • At Large Member (Roger): none

Leadership Team Meeting Schedule: Doodle poll will be sent.

Adjourn: 4pm

Respectfully submitted, Sam Dorf


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